APPJ Gemtune Miniwatt PA1501A Tube Integrated Amp – Upgraded 6AD10 GE NOS Tubes
This APPJ Gemtune PA1501A is the successor and upgrade of the well reviewed Miniwatt N3, which is also known as the PA0901A. It is in excellent condition and…
Amp Anatomy: How Power Tubes Affect Your Tone
But one thing most guitarists can agree on is that much of the glory of a great tube amp comes from the little glowing glass bottles that supply…
Solid-State Amplifiers “Amp” Up the Power
High-power amplifiers (HPAs) for RF/microwave applications were once automatically associated with electron-tube devices such as klystrons or traveling-wave tubes (TWTs). While those devices still pro… ( read original…
Best Tube Amps
Thanks to digital modeling, we can conjure up any and every flavor of guitar tone. But for true tone aficionados, it always comes back to tubes. Why is…
China-Hifi-Audio Announces to Offer Line Magnetic Tube Amplifiers For Real Fans of Pulsating Music
The addition of Line Magnetic tube amplifiers in the stock makes China-Hifi-Audio as the one-stop shop for purchasing all tube amplifiers from major brands online. Probably, all music…
Aric Audio Transcend Push-Pull Tube Amplifier Reviewed
After my review of the Aric Audio Transcend Series KT 120 SET (single-ended triode) amplifier, numerous readers asked me if there were any push-pull tube based amplifiers that…
Ayon Audio Triton 120wpc Class A tube amp from Austria
Ayon Triton needs no instruction. Drive most speakers with ease. Outstanding sound, low maintenance, 75wpc Triode or 120wpc Pentode, pure class A. Could be used as an integrated…
Ilbanez Tsa i5h tube amp
excellent condition built in tube screamer with switchable 5w 15 watt settings very loud and clean have not seen many of these around regular price 540 new, amp…
Massdrop Cavalli Tube Hybrid (CTH) — Like New, Free Shipping
Like-new condition Cavalli Tube Hybrid (CTH) amplifier. Any ‘marks’ evident in the pictures is either a dust particle or perhaps a fingerprint. The unit is in pristine condition….
Any tube amp that can run any every tube available on the marketplace, as some competitors claim, is an inferior design – for example, an amp will either…