Sony STRZA1000ES 7.2-Channel 4K AV Receiver (Black)

The perfect center to your automated home entertainment universe now with just the right amount of: flexible, multi-zone High Definition connectivity, easy IP integration with leading control systems,…

Sony STRDN860 7.2 Channel Hi-Res WiFi Network AV Receiver (Black)

Enjoy incredible performance and flexibility with 7.2 channels and 150 watts of power, in addition to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Google Cast for Audio and Air Play. Solid construction with…

Sony STRDE475 Dolby Digital Receiver (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

Sony Service Manual STR-DE475 01 US CAN AEP UK part number 992958711 or 9-929-587-11 CompatibleSale Price:$91.08Read More[amazon-product-reviews]

Sony STRDH750 7.2 Channel 4K AV Receiver

Everything comes together 7.2 channels, 1015 watts and Bluetooth connectivity so you can stream music from your favorite apps or devices. Support all your components with 4 HD…

Sony STRDN1060 7.2 Channel Hi-Res Wifi Network AV Receiver (Black)

Enjoy superior sound while easily steaming music with built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth & Air Play. With 7.2 channels & 165 watts of power, driven by the largest capacitors and…